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Understanding The Essence Of Christmas Through Christian Meditation


Understanding The Essence Of Christmas Through Christian Meditation

One of the religious traditions in Eastern religion is the practice of meditation which has emerged from Vedic Hinduism. Meditation has prevailed in western culture. As simple as it may seem, this can be perceived in two different aspects. In western culture, meditation is done by concentrating on one specific subject and eventually eliminating other extra thoughts. Eastern culture, on the other hand, is a process in which the mind is empty – merely the absence of thought.

Several spiritual practices are modified to emphasize idleness or action. Meditation has its purposes which involve personal and spiritual growth. Other people practice mediation for health improvement, as well.

Various religious activities in the Christian tradition are regarded as a form of meditation. These practices are comprised of monastic methods such as the Holy Rosary and prayers that show Adoration of the Eucharist in the Catholic religion, also called as the Hesychasm in Eastern Orthodoxy. All of these are comparable to Eastern meditation, which allows the mind to think of one particular object.

Christians meditate through a form of prayer. Some of these prayers are composed through articulative contemplation about the heavenly entities. However, Christian contemplation or prayer is considered as a Theosis practice as characterized in the Philokalia for it is done by achieving inner calmness while external stimuli are dismissed.

Christians perform meditation on special events including the season of Christmas. Also, during the advent of recollections to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth.

Meditation can be used in two kinds: unguided and guided meditation. The latter type of mediation involves a small group of people lead by a meditation consultant or a priest, for example, or even with the use of a meditation DVD or CD.

Unguided meditation, on the other hand, does not need a mediation specialist to lead the group. This form is done in complete silence accompanied by music. Several sessions would take place in an isolated setting where it is serene and surround by nature. All members are expected to keep silent, and the only sound that is heard comes from the playing of meditation music. Anyone can proceed to the unguided meditation right after having enough number of practices with the guided meditation.

Meditating can provide numerous beneficial effects. Apart from the fact that it could affect an individual positively in terms of finding inner peace, it also allows one to explore their genuine self. Meditation enhances the way we discern the correct path to follow. The awareness meditation gives us to make us recognize all aspects of our life with utmost clarity, peacefulness, and capacity of the mind to find balance.

If you are in pursuit of seeking pure transformation and improvement in your life as a whole, meditating is a key to achieve it. Meditation helps you to cleanse your mind and body from negative factors that destroy our paths from becoming better. Meditation widens your understanding of your sensitivities that could potentially blur the fact that you can be your haven of tranquillity. Meditation is a practice that promotes a healthy lifestyle for us to spend our time longer as we live.

Any member of the Christian belief has the right to practice meditation. Applying this to your daily routine can help improve your health and survive amidst any type of environment. If one can achieve inner balance, imagine how the world could be when everyone achieves the same. Therefore, when one can heal from any negativity, the world could recover from anything that destroys it as well. Only then we can recognize the real essence of Christmas.

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